Volks DDH-10 Review

Volks DDH-10 is their latest standard DD head release, although like 08 and 09 heads it’s only available at the Tokyo Dollpoint shop. This one showed up on Mandarake, so I decided to snag it even if the price was a bit high (around USD $60) The proportions and size of the head are similar…


Neko Arle

I tried a new look for Arle and oh boy is she cute XD Feels like she should live in a tiny alpine village full of catgirls, wouldn’t that be adorable? Maybe her friend Maria is a daughter of nobility who live nearby. Something about this outfit just evokes a story to me ^_^ Wig…


Cute Charlotte

Charlotte is borrowing eyes from my SD Anais and shoes from my Kikipop girl. She’ll have to give the eyes back but it’s a cute look ^_^ Wish I knew who made these pretty urethane eyes, they’re half-round like Enchanted Doll eyes but have a small stem on the back. They haven’t really yellowed but…


Supabonbon and Amanita (KikiPOP)

Since my KikiPOP girl Amanita arrived, I wanted to find more cute outfits for her. After prowling around Esty I discovered SupaBonBon, a Chinese workshop that sews adorable outfits for Blythe, Kiki, etc. About 2 months after I ordered, a small parcel with the set arrived – dress, petticoat, stockings, and bloomer. They didn’t have…


MDD Arle Arrival

I’d pretty much given up on getting Arle since I lost the lottery, the aftermarket prices were steep, and the exchange rate tanked. But my WTB post was still active and so I managed to snag her after all! And she is even cuter in person, boy howdy! Apologies for the poor photos of her…
