Coco – Custom Dollce Head A

Recently I acquired a Dollce ‘A’ head, an original design they’ve made for custom 60cm dolls. Unfortunately I’ve not gotten any email responses from their contact email so I had to order through a proxy service, but I bet if you’re in Tokyo you can pick the heads up easily at their shop. One nice…


LA Dolpa 2017!

Well, it finally happened- this year I had a chance to attend another US Dolpa! The last event like this, organized by Volks USA for fans, was 2 years ago in LA. The latest Dolpa was at a new location, the Anaheim Marriott, and had much larger spaces for shopping and the Tea Party event.…


Sweet Amanita

I keep meaning to sew something for Amanita, but I’ve been busy with projects for Dolpa and finishing up loose ends on other endeavors. Meanwhile she’s trying on SDC Mina’s wig and the result is pretty cute! I also really love these sparkly pink heels I found on Taobao, they fit Kikipop perfectly. Topping off the sweet…
