~ A Guide to Volks Dream Choice Options ~

Updated July 2024: More DDH-30 photos, price list update, minor edits

What is Dream Choice?

The official website:


Dream Choice (DC) is a service provided by Volks to build a custom Dollfie Dream doll based on a menu of options. When building a DC doll, you’ll have to make the following choices:

Where to get Dream Choice?

DC is only available at certain Volks retail locations, and requires an appointment in advance. When I visited the Akihabara DollPoint in 2018, it wasn’t too busy so I walked in and booked the next available slot. Recently, Volks has permitted overseas visitors to schedule their Dream Choice appointments by email – you’ll have to check the website for details if that’s currently available. If you can’t visit in person, it’s possible to hire a proxy buyer to complete your order instead. A proxy who works in the same city as a DC location will usually have reasonable service fees, making it a very viable option compared to a plane ticket to Japan! While purchasing a DC doll, you can also buy additional DC-limited items as well as any other shop merchandise you like. The counter with stools in the back of the shop is where DC is built, and there you’ll have a one-on-one service with a Volks employee who will walk you through the process. In my case the reservation covered a full hour to make my decision. The Volks staff will happily show you lots of combinations during the reservation time if you’re having trouble deciding.

What about D’Coord?

D’Coord is a different doll option – these dolls are pre-assembled by Volks staff and may have a variety of outfits or location-specific exclusive outfits like the Akiba DollPoint uniform set. They’re only sold in person at events and DollPoint shops. Unlike Dream Choice, D’Coord doesn’t limit skin tones available by season. You can buy D’Coord and Dream Choice at the same time if you like! The D’Coord exclusive sculpts are DDH-11, DDH-15 and DDH-18. Sometimes the Ahikabara Girl series DD Moe/Natsuki and Alna are released for special events as D’Coords. If you’re using a proxy to shop for Dream Choice, they can also check D’Coord selections for you as well, but keep in mind the dolls are random and can sell out fast. Volks will sometimes post photo updates for available D’Coords on the individual shop blogs, so keep an eye out there if you’re actively hunting one.


Skin Tone

Three different skin tones are available in DC: Flesh (previously called ‘Normal’ and sometimes anglicized as ‘Fresh’) is available year round. April-September you can also order Tan skin (sometimes gets auto-translated as ‘tongue skin’), and October-March you can order Semi-white skin instead. In other words, Tan is spring/summer only and SWS in fall/winter only. All available body types and heads are available in each skin tone. D’Coord dolls can appear year-round in any skin tone. Tan option parts are available year-round at Dream Choice locations, but are not usually sold online or at events- if you’re ordering a tan doll, it’s recommended to plan ahead and purchase any option hands or busts you may want also. Flesh and Semi-white parts can easily be acquired through any Volks retailer.


Body Types

The total cost of a DC doll is based on which body type you choose. Certain types of bodies are only sold at the main Akihabara Dollpoint location. The Dollfie Dream Sister Boy, Dollfie Dream Boy, and MDD Integrated Asexual types are only available to purchase through Dream Choice, and no repair/replacement parts for those bodies are currently sold. Tan parts are available for hands, busts and wrist joints, but not for other parts. Dollfie Dream Sister bodies include the Loosely Fisted Hands by default, and DD Boy and Sister Boy come with the large (Deka) type default hands.

There are lots of comparison photos and notes on the different body types here.


Head Accessories:

Elf ears DD-EA-01, 02 and 03 can be purchased as an add on for ¥1,650 but they only fit the DDH-20 and DDH-21 heads. They’re made of resin and match the skin tone chosen. Two pairs of ears can be purchased with each DC doll, and they must match the skin tone of your DC doll. You can’t purchase these ears when you’re building a Dream Choice doll with a non-compatible head.

Additionally, two new ear styles suitable for any head are available, DD-EA-04 and DD-EA-05, for an extra ¥2,750 per pair. These will be matched to the chosen skin tone.




Dream Choice Head and Faceup Options

Note: Photos ID’d by Volks with their faceup style, or second-hand listings showing the original certificate have been used for the faceup style ID. Photos are provided for reference purposes only, with owner permission where possible, and are © their respective owners. Photo files are named with sculpt, faceup ID number (if known) and skin tone (if known), for example ddh01-m01-sws.jpg is a DDH-01 sculpt with M01 faceup in semi-white skin. When the source doesn’t identify the faceup or skin tone they are written as ‘xx’.

DDH01-05 are discontinued as DC options. As of 07/07/24, DDH-06, DDH-07, DDH-08, DDH-09 and DDH-10 will be discontinued from DC and will be unavailable once remaining stock is sold.

DDH-06 (discontinued)

Standard faceups:

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DDH-07 (discontinued)

Standard faceups:

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DDH-08 (discontinued)

Standard faceups:

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DDH-09 (discontinued)

Standard faceups:

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DDH-10 (discontinued)

Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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DDH-13 (Akihabara Dollpoint Only)

Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Note: Apparently M04 doesn’t exist/was never released

Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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Standard faceups:

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DDH-27 (new option for 2023)

Standard faceups:

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DDH-30 (new option for 2024)

Standard faceups:

DDH-31 (new option for 2024)

Standard faceups:

Dream Choice Wig Options

Each DC doll includes a wig of your choice. It’s possible to purchase additional Dream Choice wigs in a limited selection of styles/colors as well. All DC wigs are made with heat-resistant fiber and sized to fit DD heads. Wigs with dark-colored wig caps are known to cause stains.

The guide below is from Volks – Wigs with a black dot can be purchased over the counter at Doll Point locations without a Dream Choice doll. Wigs with double circle are limited to Akiba Doll Point. Empty Circle wigs are at all Doll Point locations




WK-1 (DDW-01D) Straight Princess (Hime) Cut

WK-3 (DDW-02D) Romantic Wave

WK-6 (DDW-03D) Fantastic Bob

WK-15B Cheerful Tail

WK-17 Straight Bob

WK-18 Heroic Short




Dream Choice Wig Colors

Thanks to Sophie for the updated wig color chart!

F18 Milk White

F8 Ramune Blue

F15 Candy Pink

T5126 Melon Green

F5 Vitamin Yellow

F12/F9 Vivid Purple

T2409 Anime Black

T4110 Grey Purple

T0935 Happy Yellow

T1762 Passion Red




Dream Choice Eye Options

When purchasing a Dream Choice doll, one pair of eyes is included and they’re attached using the ‘Dream Fitter’ foam cushion. W and X style eyes are recommended for narrow-eyed sculpts like DDH-25 and DDH-26. Most other heads suit any 22mm eye designs.