Smart Doll Destiny Arrival

Time to introduce another new arrival! This time it’s Smart Doll Destiny, who I acquired second hand from Dollyteria.  I also picked up this blue/black wig which I think suits her very well. The Destiny default eyes are lovely but feel too large for her narrower eyes. I tested out some smaller designs – these…

Photo Roundup: Winter edition

It’s time again for another photo roundup! Here’s what’s been happening lately in the doll lab… Sheryl got to try a new outfit I picked up in Osaka during one of our recent snowy days. Silky is testing out some jellybean-style resin eyes with her cute mixed white/blue Leeke wig. My tan DDH-11 girl goes…

Jadepixel Shop Update

They’re here! Newly added imperfect urethane eyes from my collection are now available at the shop. Quantities and styles are limited, so if you’ve been waiting to get some of these eyes this is the time! As usual, the imperfect eyes are B-grade due to small flaws/imperfections- I still use eyes like these, but they…

Tan DDH-11 and DDH-12

Swap time! Since I picked up a tan DDH-11 girl in Japan, I decided to try her with Gale’s tan MDD body. And of course Gale (DDH-12) got to try a grown up look! Gale’s wearing a cute bunny maid set I picked up at Dolk in Osaka, and the MDD set is made by…

Japan Trip 2018

Christmas in Japan It’s been a while, but I finally returned to Japan! Last time my trip was early in my doll collecting hobby so I didn’t do much shopping, but this time I was determined to get some of the Japan exclusives. I wast travelling with friends and because we wanted to visit Comiket,…

How to Change Dollfie Dream Eyes

Imagine this- your dream doll has finally arrived! After all the seeking, saving and scheming she’s home and it’s time have fun. You can change her outfit, shoes, and even wig, but the eyes? Well, Volks has helpfully secured them with hot glue so that’s a bit trickier. But not to despair! Changing the eyes…