Faceup Progress

The arrival of Sanjie interrupted my sewing plans, so I took a break to work on Anthy’s faceup. Also, over the winter I got an DDH-09 of my own, so I concepted and started painting her as well. Her faceup is modeled off Ranko Kanzaki who has a similar but less full mouth. Upside down…

PNW BJD Expo 2015

After missing last year’s expo, I wasn’t sure I could go again this year, but fortunately the stars aligned and I made a last-minute visit to Pacific Northwest BJD Expo in Bremerton, WA. The show itself is still pretty small, but has a good assortment of BJD studios showing up to exhibit their wares. Ringdoll…

SDC Mina Manicure

The default SDC hands left a lot to be desired, so I carved away seams and extra resin, and gave them a nice natural blush. Since hands end up in so many of my photos, I’ll try to do more manicures in the future ^_^

Dollybird vol. 21 Flip Review

The theme for this volume is “One of a Kind”. Features include how to customize vintage dolls, Dollfie Dream lingerie patterns, Mini DD patterns and faceup tutorial from Dolchu, Kikipop review and patterns, and customizing faceups for Ruruko dolls. Dollybird is a Japanese doll hobby magazine/book that releases several issues each year, usually filled with…

DD Sanjie as Anthy

One dolly resolution I had for this year was to finally finish a custom version of one of my fave anime heroines- Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena. My attempts to dye an old DDII body weren’t successful, and at the depths of my frustrations I gave in… and got Sanjie. Sanjie is the only tan…

Purple Dream Sweet Maid Sets

One of my doll resolutions for this year was to get more hand-made and less Volks/corporate loot for my dolls. I want to support artists in the community, and I want my dolls to look cute and unique too. With that in mind, I tracked down the creator of a cute MDD maid outfit I…

Dream Lorina

When I got ahold of Ranko Kanzaki’s outfit, on a whim I decided to try it on Lorina. For the most part it fits pretty well! She has the high-heel unjointed SDGrG legs currently, so the shoes wouldn’t work and the stockings don’t go quite as high as they should. The wristlet for her right…