ShoushouDoll Niko arrived! And immediately got a faceup :D
ShoushouDoll is a China-based BJD artist who sells their work through Taobao and a couple other representatives such as BJDivas. I picked Niko up second-hand since I missed the original order window. As soon as Niko arrived I hurried to give her a faceup since the sculpt was too cute to just leave sitting around blank until potentially next year if my sunny weather changes back to the usual PNW gloom.
Fortunately the weather was favorable and Niko got her faceup. After sketching a few ideas I settled on a deer-themed look with fawn spots as freckles on the cheeks and light eyebrows. Blushing was done with pastels, which is not as smooth as airbrush would be but I wasn’t feeling patient enough to set up and practice with the airbrush again.
I also gave her a subtle manicure for both pairs of hands. I really love the slender fingers, the sculpt overall is very delicate and pretty. I also swapped out her legs to the human version since she came with the fawn legs attached which limited her clothing and pose options.
For eyes she’s using some Beatrice-style butterfly eyes that I made, but I’d like to swap them to a custom design for her eventually. Her wig is by Pengin Workshop, and the outfit is from Volks. I haven’t tested it out yet, but apparently Niko’s skintone is similar enough to DD vinyl that it’s possible to do some head swapping.
I’m still figuring out her final style, but I’m really happy with how she’s looking so far!