Custom faceups, mods, and the like

Custom DDH-01 complete!

Finally finished! I started this custom SWS DDH-01 girl some time ago, she was a practice run for a custom faceup and I ended up being unhappy with the mouth mod. Flash forward to yesterday, I decided to get ready and warm up for some new faceup projects, and went ahead and finished this gal’s…

New SD Anais Boy Faceup

A couple months ago I got my first SD boy in the form of a fixer-upper Anais one-off from Japan. His faceup was damaged but had charm so I incorporated some of the look into his new faceup. It’s pretty obvious in these photos that the Oldskin body is a bad match, I’m glad I…

Boyish DDH-07

Lately I’ve been more into boy BJD, and since Volks is slow to release any male DD and the Smart Doll boy didn’t win my heart, I’ve been seeking alternatives. I’m still working on my boy-Anais faceup (almost done!) but meanwhile I also got inspired to make a boyish DDH-07 custom. Working on two fellas…

DWC03 Girl Faceup

When I saw the DWC03 sculpt I thought it’d work great for a character of mine, so I decided to try my first Super Dollfie faceup. Now I wish I’d put more detail in the mouth, I may go back later and get it more in line with the usual SD style. It’s funny how…