Custom faceups, mods, and the like

Modifying DDH-01

Recently I acquired the DDH-01 softcap head (closed eyes) to play around with. Volks was out of stock of the new open-eyed heads, and since my intention was to mod I went ahead and got the closed eyed.   Setup and tools include the trusty paper plate and paper towel, face mask, various grades sanding…

Erio renewal

Took advantage of the nice weather to rework Erio’s face a bit.Still not perfect, but it’s a relief to fix bits that had bothered me for months! And each time I work, my technique improves a bit. Practice and all that.Instead of removing the eyelashes, I protected them from spray sealant with a bit of…

Sleeping Princess

I got the Parabox ‘Sleeping Princess’ head a while ago, but hadn’t gotten around to painting it until today. It’s a really cute sculpt, but better suited to a 40-50cm body. On the DDS it looks odd, but hopefully she’ll look nice on the MDD body. The skintone is a good match for Volks NS,…

Leo faceup fixes

Leo’s peach lipstick has been bothering me for a while, so now that the weather’s nicer I decided to edit her faceup. Her lips were re-colored with pastels and just a little bit of watered-down gloss. While I was at it, I thinned her eyebrows a bit as well. It was also an experiment to…