It’s time for another photo roundup! This is where I gather up pics that didn’t get their own post earlier this year, though you may recognize some from Instagram.
First and most importantly, trying out Arle on DDP body. Final verdict- super cute! Not sure when Iori will get the DDP body back ^_^;
The slender figure with longer legs makes a great ‘magical girl’ type of character, right? I think we’ll see some more licensed DDP girls in the future. Card Captor Sakura seems like a good target!
DDP Arle vs DD Iori. Unlike a lot of MDD heads, DDP Iori head works fine for DD body.
I took advantage of my snowy backyard for a few more shots. After shooting Yuki in the snow, it reminded me that her arrival was on a snowy day like this 5 years ago! She’s totally spoiled and still my fave DD.
Sheryl played in the snow, too.
Rise looks like a Disney princess with bright hair colors, right?
Around Thanksgiving I finally finished the mod/blush/faceup rehab job on this old School A SwD head. He’s so sultry in person!
Alna snagged Anya’s wig for a cute look.
Charlotte is not OK with becoming a bunny!
And I finally found an outfit that fits Sena!