Pouty Mirielle

I have so many floating heads now, thinking about rehoming a few… Mirielle is a custom/modded SWS DDH-02 who’s been a bit neglected lately. This is the second time I’ve tried to make this character with DDH-02 and maybe it’s just the wrong sculpt. I suppose if I can’t find a new home for her,…

CLOSED – Custom 24mm Eyes Pre-Order

Thanks for your support! The period for ordering is ended. New eyes are now in production!   Jadepixel hand-made resin eyes have returned for a special custom pre-order opportunity! This is your chance to get the one-of-a-kind eye design that perfectly suits your character. In addition, you can order existing styles and color variations of…

Volks DDH-10 Review

Volks DDH-10 is their latest standard DD head release, although like 08 and 09 heads it’s only available at the Tokyo Dollpoint shop. This one showed up on Mandarake, so I decided to snag it even if the price was a bit high (around USD $60) The proportions and size of the head are similar…

MDD Maria Ushiromiya Arrival

So time to come clean- I actually got another MDD recently, she’s just been in the stain treatment spa for a while. I didn’t set out to look for another doll after I lost hope of getting Arle, but when I was searching for a doll making book on Mandarake I happened to spot a…

MDD Arle Arrival

I’d pretty much given up on getting Arle since I lost the lottery, the aftermarket prices were steep, and the exchange rate tanked. But my WTB post was still active and so I managed to snag her after all! And she is even cuter in person, boy howdy! Apologies for the poor photos of her…

Boyish DDH-07

Lately I’ve been more into boy BJD, and since Volks is slow to release any male DD and the Smart Doll boy didn’t win my heart, I’ve been seeking alternatives. I’m still working on my boy-Anais faceup (almost done!) but meanwhile I also got inspired to make a boyish DDH-07 custom. Working on two fellas…

DD Yui Hirasawa Arrival

It’s been a few weeks since she’s arrived, but here’s a quick look at my new girl DD Yui! She’s one of those girls that’s been on my wishlist for ages, but she was never super popular or expensive so I kept postponing looking for her. Now it’s hard to understand because seeing her in…