Nier Automata 2B Arrival

She’s here! About 14 months after I ordered her, and just in time for Christmas, my 2B finally arrived. Putting together her fullset is an endeavor but the pictures on the instructions were enough to get me through it. The package itself was pretty heavy, which mainly seemed to be due to the metal stand…

Late Winter Photo Roundup

Another year, another photo roundup! This is where I gather up pics that didn’t get their own post earlier, though you may recognize some from Instagram. I did a bit more doll lab experimentation with DDP body- here my DDH-10 girl Noelle is trying it out with some DD hands and an MDD outfit that…

Fall Sale

Fall Sale time! Clearing out a few things since I’ve got Rin and Len coming home soon, plus those pre-order DD look tempting… All items include PP fees, US shipping starts at $4 and international starts at $15. If you’re interested in anything, please send an email to Thanks for looking! Autumn Cotton Frill…