Early Spring Photo Roundup

Ready for spring yet? It’s almost here! Things have been crazy busy lately, and I’ve only managed to squeeze in a few doll photos here and there. I’d like to take some time for a real photoshoot, but I’ve been busy with eye experiments, sewing, and plenty of non-doll commitments. So for now, enjoy a…

Photo Roundup Winter Style

I don’t always have time and energy to do a doll photoshoot for every super cute look, but I do try and get a few snaps of my faves. First up is Maria, who’s been sporting this cute look for a while now. Definitely a princess type! Her outfit is from Volks SDC Mina, the…

September Photo Roundup

It’s been a busy month with the eye orders, other projects and Life getting in the way, but I managed to take a few snaps here and there of my cute doll crew. First up, I snagged a couple new Volks outfits for my growing MDD team. Silky (DDH-06) is of course modeling the pastel…

New SD Anais Boy Faceup

A couple months ago I got my first SD boy in the form of a fixer-upper Anais one-off from Japan. His faceup was damaged but had charm so I incorporated some of the look into his new faceup. It’s pretty obvious in these photos that the Oldskin body is a bad match, I’m glad I…

Faceup Progress

Been too busy for photos lately, I’ve got some art-related projects going on as well as doll faceups and eye making. I decided to wipe my Anais boy’s faceup, the original was a bit too damaged by the mods for me to bother trying to salvage. I did like his smokey eyes so I’m going…

Volks SD Anais boy

My Anais boy arrived! At least, I’m pretty certain he’s Anais, but there’s no paperwork and the headplate indicates he’s a one-off. Inside the head there’s a number ‘4’ carved but no faceup artist info. He’s totally a fixer-upper, his old SD10 body is janky and his faceup has some damage. Still, he’s pretty charming…