Smart Doll Destiny Arrival

Time to introduce another new arrival! This time it’s Smart Doll Destiny, who I acquired second hand from Dollyteria.  I also picked up this blue/black wig which I think suits her very well. The Destiny default eyes are lovely but feel too large for her narrower eyes. I tested out some smaller designs – these…

Dollfie Dream Towa Arrival

Towa is here! I’ve continued my plan to acquire all of the new DD standard model heads by setting up splits on the forum. I’ve kept Towa’s wig too, but changed her eyes for home-made ones and put her head on a first gen Smart Doll M-bust body.     Initially I wasn’t too…

Late Winter Photo Roundup

Another year, another photo roundup! This is where I gather up pics that didn’t get their own post earlier, though you may recognize some from Instagram. I did a bit more doll lab experimentation with DDP body- here my DDH-10 girl Noelle is trying it out with some DD hands and an MDD outfit that…

CLOSED – Custom 24mm Eyes Pre-Order

Thanks for your support! The period for ordering is ended. New eyes are now in production!   Jadepixel hand-made resin eyes have returned for a special custom pre-order opportunity! This is your chance to get the one-of-a-kind eye design that perfectly suits your character. In addition, you can order existing styles and color variations of…