Photo Blog: Late Winter Photo Roundup

Spring is here, which means it’s time to go back and collect the last of the winter photos. As usual these have mostly appeared already on Instagram, and will eventually make their way to the local gallery as well. Speaking of which, I’ve been gradually adding more and more pages to the gallery (sorted by…

Quick Review: Pengin Workshop Wigs

Let’s go shopping! Pengin Workshop Edition It’s been a while since I tried any new wig shops, but being stuck at home for ages has gotten me in a doll shopping mood again. Instead of going ham on cheap Taobao wigs I decided to check out the more pricey options at Pengin Workshop on Etsy.…

Custom DD DWC01

This may be my last custom faceup project for a while, now that the weather here near Seattle is getting rainy and cool. My second custom DWC01 head is also in FS color and has a cute wide-eyed and slightly surprised expression. She looks really adorable with this Code Noir outfit and a cute blue…