Photoblog: Mochi Arle

♥ Perfectly Plump Precocious Pear ♥ In this edition of Jadepixel Photoblog, Arle will be testing out the new mochi-ashi body. It’s on loan from my DDH-21 D’coord who arrived earlier this year.   This body is well suited to Arle’s round face and plump cheeks, and the pudgy hands feel very natural for her.…

DearSD Nana Arrival

You might have seen from my instagram that I’ve got a new arrival this week: Volks DearSD SwD Nana! DearSD is the newest BJD line from Volks, and combines the Super Dollfie aesthetic with antique porcelain doll proportions. Her height is closer to MSD but the head, torso and feet all are better fit for…