Jadepixel mascot concept

I’ve been gradually working on concepts for a jadepixel mascot, trying to channel the cute anime idol vibe. I want to incorporate jade (green) in the hair and lots of square/diamond (pixel) shapes into the costume. Green argyle or plaid has a bit of both, which is why I’ve worked it into the recent site…

Elf Asuka

This weeked I customized Asuka’s makeup a bit – re-did the lips, thinned and darkened the eyebrows, and add a bit more blush here and there. It was helpful to find out that I could mod the eyebrows without removing them, saving me some time and aggravation in getting them symmetrical. Elf ears are made…

Volks News 51

Volks News Vol 51 – new DD announced! Aoko from Fate series-   Melty from Shining Hearts- An odd assortment of new outfits this time. Moe’s bear suit- Pink leopard print in 3 sizes, and ruffly pannier- More classic outfits get an updated release- … and some nice boots.   Source: http://ameblo.jp/asse2009/entry-11394987987.html