Alice Arrival

Meet the newest member to join Jadepixel School for Magical Girls – Alice! I gave her a quick style change with a school uniform and Mandarake wig, and I’m looking forward to creating a custom faceup for her eventually.

DD Sanjie as Anthy

One dolly resolution I had for this year was to finally finish a custom version of one of my fave anime heroines- Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena. My attempts to dye an old DDII body weren’t successful, and at the depths of my frustrations I gave in… and got Sanjie. Sanjie is the only tan…

Dream Lorina

When I got ahold of Ranko Kanzaki’s outfit, on a whim I decided to try it on Lorina. For the most part it fits pretty well! She has the high-heel unjointed SDGrG legs currently, so the shoes wouldn’t work and the stockings don’t go quite as high as they should. The wristlet for her right…

Custom DDH-08

I finally got to finish my DDH-08 girl! She was a prize from the Volks USA DD faceup poll earlier this summer, I came in second place. To make her look more cute and youthful, I gave her big chunky eyebrows and extended her smile a bit. This head is surprisingly small, so I ended…

Lorina Arrives!

Last night I got a large package from Volks USA… it was wrapped like a Christmas present! Inside was a nice note signed by all the Volks USA staff! And Lorina too *_* Because she’s a one-off from the Volks Holiday Greeting event, she was already dressed and assembled except for the wig, hat, and…