Making Resin Eyes – step by step

After doing a few batches of resin eyes, I’ve gotten nice enough results to document the process. It’s not a perfect product, but these type of eyes are a great way to test out designs and create a custom anime character. A few basic safety rules: follow the instructions for these products very precisely, especially…

Lady Wizard set review

With Volks’ last outfit release I had my sights set on the 3 fantasy-themed outfits, and when the click wars came around I was able to narrow my objective to a single set: Lady Wizard. Although the sets sold out very fast I was at least able to acquire my primary target, as well as…

Saber swimsuit

… or, More Sexy Time with Hoodie. I do really like how girls in swimsuits look with athletic wear on top. Maybe I should sew a duplicate of the Olympic dive team’s jackets, those were nifty. Of course, Saber’s not going to be able to swim competitively with that setup – the swimsuit, I mean!