Photo Blog: Late Winter Photo Roundup

Spring is here, which means it’s time to go back and collect the last of the winter photos. As usual these have mostly appeared already on Instagram, and will eventually make their way to the local gallery as well. Speaking of which, I’ve been gradually adding more and more pages to the gallery (sorted by…

Photo Roundup: Winter edition

It’s time again for another photo roundup! Here’s what’s been happening lately in the doll lab… Sheryl got to try a new outfit I picked up in Osaka during one of our recent snowy days. Silky is testing out some jellybean-style resin eyes with her cute mixed white/blue Leeke wig. My tan DDH-11 girl goes…

DD Sheryl Nome Arrival

Guess who was waiting for me when I returned from my vacation? Right! I ordered Sheryl almost a year ago, and she’s finally here! Fortunately not as delayed as the Saber Extra pre-order, that was an awful long wait. Her box has a nicely printed slip case, better than the old yellow style but not…